Owning a vehicle brings with its independence as well as a lot of responsibility. When on the road, you have to be a responsible driver and drive safely so you don’t break any road rules or put your life or another’s in danger.
The other side to the responsibilities of a vehicle-owner is regarding maintenance. Taking the vehicle for a regular car service is crucial to ensuring the vehicle is safe for the road and that problems are spotted early and fixed before they turn into larger repairs.
One of the most important parts of a vehicle that one should have regularly checked is the brake system. There are many consequences to not maintaining your car’s brake system, which is why it is important that you don’t ignore it when making a car service booking.
How Often Should You Have It Checked?
It is recommended that a vehicle’s brake system is checked at least once a year. You need not make a special booking for it as it can be done through a car service booking. What’s important is that a thorough inspection of the brake system is done as a cursory glance won’t be enough to spot any issues.
Experienced and skilled car detailing services will conduct a thorough inspection which includes lining wear, condition of hoses and brake lines, fluid level, rotor thickness, and warning lights. During the car service, they should also take the car for a test drive to spot any problems that may be brewing in the brake system.
Look for The Warning Signs
You may have your brake system checked during a car detailing booking once a year, but this doesn’t mean your vehicle will be trouble-free. Between car service bookings, a problem may start up or a small issue that was overlooked may worsen. This is why you need to look for warning signs so you know exactly when your vehicle’s brake system needs to be checked.
If your brake pedal feels soft or spongy when it is pressed, you may want to talk to your auto service center. A scraping or grinding noise from the brakes may also be a warning sign. If your vehicle pulls to a side when brakes are applied, that too is an indicator that you should have your brake system checked.
Besides these warning signs, it’s also important that you pay attention to the indicators of your vehicle. If the brake fluid level is low or the brake system warning stays illuminated, it’s time for a car service booking.
Regular Maintenance
One thing you shouldn’t do is delay having these potential problems checked out. You may think waiting for an auto detailing scheduled to happen in two months’ time is perfectly fine, but during that time, you may be driving a vehicle that isn’t safe for the road while also worsening the problem.
Faulty brake systems often result in collisions, which could, in turn, result in damages, injury and even death. By ignoring a problem with your vehicle, you may be putting yourself and others in danger.
Added to this, ignoring a problem or delaying going to an auto service center can cost you a hefty sum if you let a potential problem grow into a serious problem. What could have been a five-minute job during a regular car service may now be a huge repair that costs you a good amount. This is why it’s important that you maintain your car brake system regularly.
Brake Safety Awareness Month
There are many causes that lead to the maintenance of brake systems. A few causes are driving habits, the type of vehicle and the quality of material and parts, as well as operating conditions. However, over time, it is only natural for a brake system to require maintenance or repair, which is why it is important to book regular car detailing services.
In order to spread awareness about the importance of brake safety, August is celebrated as Brake Safety Awareness Month. During this month, organizations as well as car service centers shed light on the importance of brake safety as well as why brake systems should be maintained regularly. You can spend the month as well as the time leading up to it and following it educating yourself and others on the importance of brake safety.